Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This was one of my favorite books growing up. Mostly because I have the best story telling mother ever!!! She would always sing us the song part. I can't read it without singing that part too.

Today at work, I was going above and beyond my work description and teaching the lesson for my juniors( subs just take the money and you do all the work and still get paid the same). Part of the lesson was to read them a book. I picked this one because most of my students didn't read these books growing up or learn all the songs so I try to show them things they missed out on.

I got to the kid being the age 9 and realized, Hey I could be having a boy,
and I could be the crazy creepy mom in this story! Then the emotions started. I was able to pass off my sniffles to this cold that I have but then I reached the part where the mom can't finish the song. The tears started and I had to stop and apologize and explain that I tend to be more emtional these days. Then the next page,

"I love you forever,
I like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My mommy you'll be!"

I barely got through the rest of the book( and yes I have tears in my eyes just writing it out). With my sore throat voice and the tears streaming down my face, I finshed and got a lot of awwww from the girls. Once I read the "My mommy you'll be" part I realized that I'm going to be a mommy!

My emotions have been going crazy this last week and I'm sure this is just the start(sorry BJ). I now am offical that I want a boy. I'm sure I will be a tad disappointed if they say I'm having a girl. I'm head over heels in love with the idea that I'm having a boy. I haven't let myself fully expect a certain gender because I didn't want to have that disappointment when we find out. But now I have to admit that I want and boy and feel that its a boy. I'm sure the first girl outfit I see I'll be prefectly content with a girl but until I know for sure
I'm saying its a BOY!!!!

1 comment:

Misty said...

That is SO cute. I have to tell you, I smiled so big when I read this because that is one of my favorite books too, I remember reading it at Grandma's house when I was little. I read this book when I was pregnant too, and I had THE EXACT SAME REACTION! lol Those pregnancy hormones are crazy. :) I also thought I wanted a boy, I was looking at baby boy clothes and thinking of baby boy names all up until we found out it was a girl. Now, I can't imagine not having my little Madison! Its so amazing, I think that the baby picks the parents its supposed to have..so we will see who picked you guys! :)