Thursday, January 6, 2011

1st day of school

I always love the first day of school. Its always exciting for me. The night before I made BJ get his backpack ready and pick out an outfit. He thought I was being silly. I tried on my clothes while he just laughed at me. I always wake up before the alarm the first day. Its like Christmas morning for me. BJ made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Before we left the house I made him take the first day of school pictures. Isn't he such a cutie! 

Its going to be a huge adjustment for me. Sitting in those chairs kills me. After about an hour I can't sit anymore. Each class I ended up having to stand for awhile. In my lab I'm the only pregnant girl. My teacher said they are going to come up with a name from a body part or nerve or something. My other classes have at least one other pregnant girl but I'm the furthest along (one is like 2 months prego the other is a month or 2 behind me). Its funny to watch the single girls get excited when they find out you're married then when you are pregnant. One girl was suppose to introduce me and say my major, where i'm from, what year I am, and my favorite toy from childhood. She ended up just telling everyone about my and BJ's name and that we were going to have a baby in May. It was pretty funny.

By my last class I was starving. I did end up buying food cuz I ran out of snacks. I was tired too. After dinner BJ and I watched some Friends. I was really tired and sore. I feel like the baby just doesn't have enough room and is trying to stretch out as much as possible. I tried to convince BJ that it was his turn to carry the baby the next day. He said he couldn't and I kept trying to convince him he need to carry her just for one day. He finally said that it was bed time and I needed to go to sleep. I passed out by 8:45. I still think we should take turns carrying this little girl but I felt much better this morning. I still had to come home and take a nap after class today.  Hopefully I adjust quickly. Or I'm just going to be super tired everyday until she gets here.  Oh and I think I'm the only one sweating between classes. It did reach the 30's today though.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

reality: you will be tired for the rest of your life, you will never have the same energy you had pre-baby... never. not even when she is two, or three. never!