Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 2

My blog name is got balls?


Well one day BJ and I were sitting there thinking about what we should do for our families for christmas back in like August mind you. I always try to think of stuff I can make because BJ has A TON of family members and its mandatory  fun to get everyone something. Last year I had the hardest time doing something for them. The only time his family is ever rude out loud is when they get a gift they don't like. I'm only NOT rude when I get gifts. I fit so well in this family.... anyways... We were trying to figure something out when I said we should make shirts for everyone. I know my family likes is used to matching shirts so I figured at least one half will enjoy it. We couldn't figure out what to put on the shirts. I can't remember the leading up to it but we thought about GOT BALLS? and I thought it was hilarious!!! I then figured dang, we can't give that to his family because they would be super offended by it but my family would get it! So I went online and there were tons of stuff with GOT BALLS? on it already. I thought it was pretty much the coolest thing ever. So I found the logo and posted it as my blog name. I pretty much love my last name. So many good joke, so many funny responses, so many good names. I love it. Plus you can take it like are you man enough? haha So many ways to read it! And there you have it!

Side bar-- No family you will not be getting Got Balls? t-shirts because I forgot about that until just now. But do look in the mail this up coming week. I figured out what to do for BJ's family since I was pressured willing to give gifts and after making theirs I thought my family should get them too because i really was willing to give them gifts if the other half got them.  =]

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