Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cloth Diapers!

They don't do safety pins any more. now its these

They are like the things you put to hold your ace bandage.
So my sister Kerri said she wanted to look into doing cloth diapers. When she first said that I was all hmmm hello are we in the 1800's?! I didn't get it. Then as I thought about it I wondered what the big thing with cloth diapers was. One of my sister in laws has a day care and a little girl wears cloth diapers. So during one of my many blogs search I found a mommy website that gave the 411 on cloth diapers.

After reading through it I thought, Hey I could do that! Its not any worse then dealing with dispoable diapers. Most peope say they are gross but how many moms still have daily blow outs and poop is very much apart of their lives. AND you still have to wipe them right?! Whats the difference? You wash the diaper instead of throwing it away. The 'all in ones' seem to be the best or at least the easiest but then again pre folds seem a tad more work but also seem to work just as well. They tend to be cheaper too. Then comes in all the brands.
  • Bummies
  • FuzziBuns
  • Happy Heniys
  • Kissaluvs
  • Thristies
  • rumparooz
  • the list goes on and on and on but these are the ones I like the most

So I guess you can say I was converted. But there are sooooo many out there. So many kinds. From all of my research I've found the best of the best, the best of the cheap and the ones that can just get you by. I've been debating on what kind of try out.

I've recently found Rumparooz. They say they are the best cloth diaper and they are an 'all in one'. By best I mean they say they never get leaks or blow outs in them. But that means $$$. I found them for $23.50 each where regualar brand like the bummies are about $12 each.
I've wanted to buy stuff now since they cost more up front but save you lots of $$$ later on. But I wont know what kind I like until the baby gets here.

With the Black Friday and Cyber Monday I have found lots of good deals. I finally was able to find a package that included 3 different brands that I have been looking at and 3 different kinds of diapers. I'll get to try out the 'all in ones', the 'prefolds', and the 'pocket diapers'. I got a coupon plus free shipping and  25% on sale. It was a great deal! Now we have diapers to last us 3 days and we can try out all the kinds to see what we like and what to order more of. I'm pretty stoked out of mind to try them out!

Alot of people try to be just cloth diapers. I'm realistic though. We will still buy disposable diapers. I'm not going to make a baby sitter scrap poop from a diaper into the toilet. I mean come on. I also wont want to go on trips and deal with wet diapers in my bag the whole time. I will be a stay at home mom and have a washer and dryer in my home so doing a load or two of diapers a week wont be a big deal. And I'll also make my husband install the diaper shower to our toilet to make cleaning out the diaper easier ( its like a kitchen sprayer you attach to your toilets water line and vola you have a sprayer to clean the diaper).

I'm very excited to try them out!!! Plus they say cloth diapers last for 3 kids. And they have 'all in ones' that will grow with them. Newborn to toddler. The says that from newborn to potty training the cheapest brand of diapers from the store will cost you at least $2577.35. If you buy a combination of cloth diapers and do your own washing it will cost you from newborn to pottytraining $1468.74. Thats a big savings! Wanna see the layout for yourself go here. That alone makes me coverted. I'm willing to give it a try.

Plus they are sooooo cute!!!

You can get differenet colors if you please or
All differnet kinds of patterns!!

Yes they now have these in dispoables but they are way more expensive and you just throw them away. Otherwise you are left with plain white with elmo on the top or some other child cartoon. Yes I know they will be in clothes but how many people can honestly say that their summer babies never were in just diapers? right?!

I'm all in with my cloth diaper idea. BJ's mom only did cloth diapers. She never had disposables. FOR 8 CHILDREN!! And it was back when they didn't have the smart technology of today and it socked right through the cloth. They do makes these

They are wool covers. They work great, or so I hear. The wool doesn't let the water out and most people use them at bed time to keep the bed dry. only downside is like are very expensive. Most people only have 1 or 2.
BJ is more then ok with the idea since that is all he really knows. He likes the idea of saving money too.

I just hope we have the money  come baby to get the diapers. I'm saving my baby money but the kid will also need clothes I guess. We'll see what happens =]

1 comment:

Ali said...

my friend has her own cloth diaper store Green Chic Mama. She uses them and loves them so much she sells them! She is amazing at answering questions and super helpful! check her out! (She is actually having baby #2 this week but I am sure you will love her blog :) )