Wednesday, April 28, 2010

22 years old

I'm one year older... and I think wiser too!!

Bruce took me horseback riding! I love going horse backriding!!!

We got to go through this HUGE pipe!! For me that was the coolest part!!

You can't really tell but my horse was the slowest. We were lucky enough to get just me, bj, and the cowboy! I was at the back and we just took our time! The wildflowers were in bloom and it was breath taking!!

My 21st year of life was something I have been looking forward to since before I can remember! I'm not sure why, but i always thought life the way i wanted would start at 21. Boy was I RIGHT!!

  • I fell in love with an old friend who quickly became my all time best friend ever!
  • I moved back out on my own and after many bumps I got my very own apartment!
  • I got a full time job at a high school working with teenagers and little kids. Best job ever!
  • I became engaged to the best friend and have started planning out our lives together!!!
  • Signed up for classes at ASU

What more could a girl ask for?!?! I always said I would be married at 21. I didn't hit that mark but whats a few months! Dad asked me what I wanted now that I made it to what I've always wanted. I didn't know how to answer. I have forever been dreaming about my life at the age of 21 and where I wanted to be. I made it! I'm here! I've passed it.... now what?!? Then dad went on to give me his wise thoughts. I've always figured I'd be married and starting my family. Now I am getting married and since the only things left on my list is to graduate from a university Bruce and I can plan out our life and have shared dreams together!

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