Rylee 8 1/2 months old
- Loves to give kisses. She has to grab your face and with open mouth on your mouth or noise then holds it for at least 10 seconds.
- Now says Uh-oh when she drops something.. or throws something over the edge
- Has to always be jumping. Now in her hair chair she can scoot it forward because she is jumping around so much
- Wiggles so much its hard to hold on to her
- Loves peas. She laughs the whole time she eats them. I guess it's funny to catch it and eat it
- Understands sign for more and eat but isn't close to doing them
- Laughs when you bark like a dog
- Loves "Down on grandpa's farm" and "Old McDonald" and "Bingo"and "Baby Beluga" when played on youtube
- Loves her puzzle book with farm animals
- Loves going on walks at night
- Not a fan of baby food. She wants to feed herself
- Eats bananas, yams, green beans, bread, yum yums, peas, anything really
- Loves to drink water hates juice
- Fake laughs to get peoples attention
- Has to have everyone look at her
- Knows how to make people smile
- Finally has hair to put bows in and leaves them in
- "talks" like crazy
- Growls at us.. don't know where that came from
- Thinks Daddy is sooo funny no matter what
- Happiest when both mom and dad are home
- Still sleeps through the night
- Gets slap happy at night and laughs like crazy
- Found her toes and will eat them
- Has to have a diaper in her hands when we change her
- Loves bath time or taking a shower. Washes her own hair. Drinks the water out of her wash cloth
- Hates getting dressed
- Hates her car seat
- Will snuggle when tired
- Pushes her lips out and makes angry faces
- Will imitate any noise we make
- Copied us blowing on hot food and will blow on her food sometimes
- HATES Tummy time
- Still not mobile
- Now rolls over again when put on tummy
- Trying to pull self up but hasn't yet
- Loves her magnets
- Loves pulling the books of her shelf
- Understands ledges and will scoot to get over or throw something off
- When she is done eating will pull her food a part into small pieces and throw it off her high chair
- Loves cords and yarn balls
- Has 2 bottom teeth
- Shakes her head all the time
- Loves to pull stuff out of the diaper bag or toy box
- Just started putting things back into bag or box
- Pretty much happy all the time. Only cries when tired and thirsty
We LOVE being Rylee's parents. We had one night where we think her ear hurt. She wouldn't lay down at all and kept touching her ear. I fed her and fell asleep around 10-12 with BJ playing with her. Woke up to her crying and I tried putting her to sleep but she was not happy. We gave her some meds but she just wanted to snuggle. I walked around the house (SOO happy to have a house I can walk around in!) for an hour. I passed her off to BJ to sit down for a minute but she just wanted me. I sent BJ to bed at 2 turned on Beauty and the Beast. She isn't into TV but loves music now. She fell asleep snuggling me so I slept in my rocking chair. She woke up crying every 45 minutes and I would walk around with her until she fell back asleep. She woke up around 6 happy and wide awake. I woke up BJ and passed her off and fell asleep until 9:30. I woke up to them asleep in the rocking chair. It was a long night but not that bad.
We love watching her learn new things and we laugh all day long at funny things she does. She is such a ham these days and always fun to be around.
I just can't get over how much she looks like bj.
I loooove this post! Loved the video and your cute list. And for the record, I think she looks like you, not bj. Well, a little of your husband, but I mostly see you. She looks like so much fun. I wish I was in rexburg so I could babysit for you!
i don't know who amber is, but she trying to hard to be nice, little Riley is her daddy, but thats okay out of four kids your the only one that has any resemblance to the hebner side of your family. love the post , miss you guys.
i like it when you make these lists. it's makes our hearts sing. thanks for being such a good mommie making a record.
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