Thursday, October 20, 2011

5 months old

Rylee is 5 months old... in a few days.

She is so much fun! Someone asked me what my favorite thing is about her. That smile warms my heart!!
She loves to smile. She can be super upset and we will make a funny noise and she can't help but smile at us.
She stares at anyone she doesn't know but she will always give them a smile. That of course makes them stay around longer.
When she wakes up she will start to cry and as soon as she sees me a huge smiles breaks out on her face. I love it so much! She loves to laugh too. We had a few weeks where she would make a weird noise and not laugh but now the giggles are back. 

She is now in the stage where she has to have everything I have. At dinner time she will stare us down unless we give her a spoon. She also loves our green cups and gets her own at dinner time too. She loves food. I haven't given her very much variety but baby oatmeal is always a hit. She will be upset and I'll feed her a bite and she is instant smiles and laughs until she is down eating. I love it. She wont even grab for the spoon until she is finished. She loves graham crackers but they are super messy so I switched over to Rice Rucks which are sticky but she likes them. 

She is now a pro at rolling over. She hates being on her stomach. One night she got so mad at me she rolled over and now that she understand she can get off her tummy she will stay there for about a minute then just roll over.

She now likes to lay on her back and play with toys. I love watching her grab things and play with her toes. Her hands are still her favorite thing though.

She loves anything that makes noise. My mom sent me a bunch of stuff so I could make her some taggies. I made one with crinkly ribbon and bells and she loves it. She loves wrappers too. On the way to church I ate a string cheese and put the wrapper in the diaper bag. Her favorite thing is to pull stuff out of the bag and instead of grabbing her toy she grabbed the wrapper and sat and played with it for 5 minutes. 

She gets into everything. If anything is next to her she will grab it. I have to be careful putting her next to things now. She loves cords which are every where so I have to figure out how to hide them. We went over to Uncle Matt's and I was looking at something on their TV and Rylee knocked off their mail. Oops

Oh and my sister in law Camille is PREGNANT! She is due May 20th! =]

She also tries to get out of her bumbo now. She leans back and almost pops out of it. One of these days I'm going to find her next to it!

She is still a great sleeper. She has been going to bed early now which means she wants to get up earlier. Its been a rough few days. I think I have finally found a good time to get her to sleep but she goes to sleep when she wants.
Rylee loves her dad! She was yelling at me right before he called me so I put him on speaker phone and she was searching all around for him. She grabbed the phone and kept looking at me then the phone then me. She can't figure out why she can hear her dad but not see him. I can't wait until she is mobile. Whenever BJ leaves the room she watches him leave then looks at me like "where did dad go?" I can't wait for her to chase him down. 

Rylee loves to talk now. She is always babbling. When she wakes up happy she will just lay there and talk to herself until she gets bored. I love listening to her noises! 

She is pretty much the best baby ever and we love her so much!


Hebner Happenings said...

love her smile too. Glad your enjoying motherhood too! love you guys.

kerri said...

she is adorable, looks so much like bj. i wish you could come see me!

Hebner Happenings said...

hello she is my grand child, what would there be not to love.