I had never been real mountain biking before. I have always wanted to but the big hills seemed way to hard for me. Being on the flat was nice but I wasn't expecting all the rocks!!!!! BJ took off and had just had my little light and TONS of random jutted rocks and sand to deal with. He would warn me about the sharp turns and the sudden little dips and climbs. One dip was all rock and again I almost lost my life. Then we got to the point where we could just go all the way and make a circle home. IT was all down hill to the road. I kept the brakes on the whole way. BAD IDEA!!
My bike was going crazy! I fished tailed a lot! I almost ate it a lot. I got to BJ and he said I wasn't allowed to put the brakes on cuz this was the Thrill part
( we went to wet n wild... don't go it SUCKS.. and he was crying about the long rides and how amusement parks suck and lines aren't worth it. I explained that you waited 2 hours for the oh so very the top 30-60 sec thrill from the ride and that the 2 hour wait was soooooo worth it! He didn't quite believe me. We found out he just doesn't get as excited as I do so therefore he misses out of the thrill).
I was way scared cuz its dark outside and I can only see what is right in front of my bike and there are a lot of rocks and its super fast!!! He explanied that the street ride to get here was the line to wait and this part was the thrill so I therefore could not put on the brakes. Ok so i did it!
AHHHHH was it scary! I screamed a lot. I did put the brakes on once but it was a whole lot better then what I did before. He was right. It was the thrill part and so worth it.
WE made it 8.32 miles in 58 minutes! We love riding out bikes!!!!