This is the first semester in my entire life that I have not wanted to start school. It makes me sad but then I do homework at night and realize that it's ok to be over the whole school thing.
I know I will finish even if in my head I am already done. It has taken me sooooo long to do school. Its my fault for moving around so much but goodness I didn't realize how much it would take out of me.
After a day of cleaning and taking care of BJ and Rylee I really don't want to spend hours on the computer doing homework. I want to read my book and do nothing. Tis not so anymore.
I started reread the whole Inheritance Cycle again. The 4th book was released in November and my brother in law Matt had the whole collection so I figured I'd read it over Christmas break. Since it has been a year or so since I read the other 3 I re read them and sadly I realized I can't read like I used too. I can sit and read an entire book with only food and pee breaks. It took me 2 weeks to read 3 books. It never takes me that long. Now I am on the 4th book which is the one I haven't read and school has started. I'm sad it will take me all semester to read it. I've never had to read a book so slowly before. I hope I don't lose interest in it. The only reason I read Eragon was because everyone said it only had 3 books and I wanted a quick read at the time. Since I hate books that aren't in series it was perfect. I got to the end of the 3rd book and realized there was going to be another and I was mad. Now that it is out it is going to take forever to get through it. Oh well maybe this will help me learn to read a book in more then 3 days.
I recommend the series if you like magic and olden days with elves and such. I'm not a huge fan like Lord of the Rings but these books are fun because its about a kid learning to be an adult so quickly and learning about the world. I like them even if I skip whole paragraphs at a time because I don't care what the sunset looked like.
I think I also am doing an internship this semester too. I need to make sure I still can. BJ dropped some classes so that he can help take care of Rylee and milk cows too. Plus he didn't get good grades last semester so we figured it would be best to go slowly and get good grades then fast and get bad grades.
Lets hope we make it through until April!